SCS - When will my order ship?

Most packages leave our warehouse within 24 hours of an order being placed - except on weekends and holidays. Our warehouse is closed on Saturday/Sunday, therefore orders placed late in the day on Friday, on Saturday/Sunday, or on a holiday will not ship until the following business day. 

  • Note: Our warehouse is closed to observe the following holidays: Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day.

Tracking - We will send tracking information to the email address associated with your order once the item has shipped. 

Delivery Time - All US orders are shipped standard delivery via USPS and are estimated to be delivered within 5-7 business days, except on holidays or when the shipper is experiencing delays. 

  • Canadian deliveries are estimated to reach their destination within 10-14 business days.
  • Estimated delivery all others outside of North America is 14-30 business days.

If you haven't received your tracking information within 3 business days of your order being placed, please contact us at 888-281-6816 or send us an email with your order number. 

Visit our self-service portal where you can view your order status, track shipments, edit your personal information, edit or cancel an order before it ships, or start the return/refund process. 

- for Self Service go HERE 

For other questions, just shoot us an email at, our email team is here 24/7.

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