SCS - How long will it take to see results with D3Shield?

I’m going to be honest here: the effects of D3 are subtle. It’s rare that I give it to a patient, then have them come back a week later, saying “Rosenberg, I feel like a new person!” That’s because D3 + K2 works in so many ways, on so many pathways in your body, that the changes happen more slowly.

So what you’re much more likely to notice is that you’re sleeping better a month from now. You’re likely to notice an improved mood… one day you’ll be walking around feeling like you’ve been bathing in sunshine, and it’ll just kind of “hit you” that the D3 Shield is working. When activities that used to exhaust you feel like a walk in the park… you’ll know without a doubt that the D3 Shield formula is working.

And best of all, you’ll know that your heart, your bones, and your brain are all getting the nutrients and protection they need, to help you enjoy the best days that lie ahead

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