SCS - How is D3Shield different from other Vitamin D3 supplement?

Vitamin D3 is a proven super nutrient that positively affects almost all parts of the body - brain, heart, bones, muscles, joints. But what most people don’t know is that Vitamin D3 supplementation can be deadly without Vitamin K2.

Among its many benefits, Vitamin D3 helps you absorb more calcium. But unless that calcium is directed into your bones, it can build up as arterial deposits. Imagine a dam made of calcium building up, blocking your blood flow – it’s not good! 

Thankfully, one of Vitamin K2’s functions is to make sure all that extra calcium gets to our bones. It’s why we call it “The Calcium Coach” of the body.  And it’s why I’ve included the superior form of K2-7 in this special formula. Simply put, D3 Shield is the best D3 you can get.

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