SCS - BioShield MD Video Transcript

Since early 2020, we’ve been living in the shadow of an unprecedented health risk...

...wondering where it’s lurking, and how to protect ourselves.

I’m proud to say that 100% of my patients have remained safe and unaffected.

So today, I’m sharing the exact same immune health guidelines that I’ve given patients - and my family - to stay healthy.

My name is Mark Rosenberg.

I earned my MD from the Georgetown University School of Medicine, and I specialize in treating patients with stressed and compromised immune systems.

And while I previously served in the United States Army, and ran the Emergency Room at Bethesda Memorial Hospital, members of my own government now have a target on my back.

You see, eight years ago, I took stage-four cancer patients out of the country, to treat them with an experimental new therapy.

It saved their lives, and a group of individuals from Harvard University has since partnered with my team and I, to take this treatment to human clinical trials, and then to market.

There’s only one problem: because my treatment was not recognized by certain federal agencies back then, I made some powerful enemies.

So believe me - I know what it’s like to distrust the very same people who are supposed to keep us safe and healthy.

That’s why I’m going public with these immune health guidelines.

The immune system is the “master switch” for how much energy and vitality we have.

When it’s stressed and overworked, we feel lousy, and we get sick.

But when it’s running well, we feel great, and we’re “hard to kill.”

Immune health has been a cornerstone of my research for almost two decades.

And right now, there are real consequences to getting this wrong, so consider grabbing a pen and paper, to take notes.

Or simply pay close attention, because I’ve prepared a simple checklist, which will be available for free download at the end of this short video.

I’m also going to share the at home immunity test that I’ve given to my patients.

It’s a quick, simple, painless way to tell if the immune system is healthy, or stressed.

Doing this test daily can save a person’s life right now, and it only takes a minute a day.

And that will be available as a free download as well, so please stick around for it.

No one has to be living in fear right now.

And since we’re months into this, we have real data about what works, what doesn’t, and what we need to do to stay safe and healthy.

In fact, my patients are using this time as an opportunity to improve their immune health, and emerge even stronger and harder to kill.

But please be ready to have your assumptions challenged:

In fact, some of what I share is going to expose - and disprove - much of what doctors and health authorities have been saying so far.

So how can I be sure that it’s right?

Well, let me tell you about my background, and how I came to discover this.

Again, my name is Mark Rosenberg.

I’m an emergency room doctor, an oncology researcher, and I run a private medical clinic in Boca Raton, Florida.

I earned my undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and my MD from the Georgetown University School of Medicine.

I then went onto serve in the US Army, and completed my residency at the Brooke Army Medical Center, where I received the “Teacher and Resident of the Year” award.

I quickly fell in love with emergency medicine, and spent the next twenty years operating in, and then managing, emergency rooms.

It was incredibly rewarding to save lives every day.

But over time, I began to get frustrated with the state of our country’s health, and health care.

Despite being elected to numerous boards and committees, I found the medical establishment was slow to move, and resistant to any ideas that challenged their orthodoxy.

They were all about treating the conditions…

But no one was talking about how to prevent these conditions from happening in the first place, and helping patients live longer, healthier lives.

My frustration continued to grow… but it didn’t boil over until August 12, 2004.

That’s the day that my own mother walked into my emergency room, complaining that she was short of breath.

Ninety minutes later, with her CT scan in my hand, I did the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in my life.

I looked her in the eye, and told her that she had advanced-stage lung cancer, with less than a year to live.

I did my best to be strong and professional, but the dam burst the moment she left the hospital, and tears began pouring down my face.

My frustration was overwhelming. I’d saved tens of thousands of lives with my own hands… but I had no good answers for my Mom, and indeed, I lost her within the year.

Driving home from work that night, I decided to quit the ER, and devote the rest of my life to preventative medicine.

And now that I’ve spent over fifteen years running a research center, and treating thousands more patients, there’s one thing that I can say for sure:

A healthy immune system is the difference between sickness, and vitality.

It’s the difference between feeling down, and feeling great.

It’s the difference between being vulnerable, and being hard to kill.

And it’s the first thing I address with patients, which is one reason that they’ve fared so well.

Here’s the simple way that I explain it to them:

The immune system is a security force, patrolling the body, and defending against “foreign invaders.”

And the “first responders” in this force are little proteins called cytokines.

They swarm to wherever the invaders are, mount the first attack, and call in reinforcements, when necessary.

For example - if someone cuts their hand, a wound opens, and foreign invaders like bacteria try to get in.

That’s when the immune system unleashes cytokines. They go into “attack mode,” and the area gets painful and inflamed while they fight the bacteria.

Then, once the bacteria has been neutralized, the cytokines recede, and the wound heals.

Or how about a “whole body” invader, like a cold, or a flu?

In this case, the cytokines are unleashed across the whole body, which is why we get tired, achy and foggy - there are battles going on everywhere!

Our lymph nodes swell up too - those are the “war rooms” for our immune system, where cytokines coordinate their attacks with other immune cells.

Then, after the cold or flu has been eliminated, the cytokines retreat, the immune system goes back into “patrol” mode, and our energy and vitality return.

This sort of healthy, balanced immune activity is exactly what it means to have a healthy, strong immune system.

When there aren’t any invaders, it’s in “patrol” mode.

And when an invader gets in, it unleashes cytokines, and goes into “attack” mode.

So what does it mean to have a “weak” immune system?

Well, most of my patients guess that it has to do with a “weak” cytokine response.

But the answer is exactly the opposite!

People with a weak immune system have overactive cytokines…

Like little stressed-out patrolmen, ready to attack at the slightest provocation.

So I always tell patients that “weak” isn’t really the right word.

Instead, we say that an unhealthy immune system is stressed.

When people are stressed out, they’re likely to be quick to anger, right?

Maybe they pick fights too easily, and say things they regret!

Well, it’s the exact same with the immune system.

Allergies and asthma, for example, are when a stressed out immune system unleashes cytokines to attack otherwise harmless invaders, like dust and peanuts.

And autoimmune conditions, like type 1 diabetes and arthritis, usually happen when cytokines attacking the body’s own tissue.

In all cases, it’s a stressed-out, overactive immune system that causes the problem, and makes us sick when we shouldn’t be.

In fact, this is exactly what’s putting so many people into emergency rooms right now.

It all starts when this new, unrecognized invader, enters the body and takes up residence in airways.

You can guess what happens next: immune cells send cytokines to the scene, and the attack begins.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Some people develop flu symptoms, some people feel a little down, and others feel nothing at all.

But in some people, their body completely overreacts to this invader, and sends in so many cytokines that a “storm” erupts.

This cytokine storm is so overwhelming, that it begins to damage lung tissue.

According to Dr. Stanley Perlman, a virologist at the University of Iowa,

“That’s when you end up with a lot of these really severe inflammatory conditions like pneumonia, shortness of breath, inflammation of the airway, and so forth.”

Where it goes from there depends on the person.

Once unleashed in the body, this cytokine storm can travel through the bloodstream to other organs…

…including the liver, the heart and the brain, where the damage continues.

So why is this happening in some people, and not others?

Well, the immune system is incredibly complex, so it’s difficult to point to just one root cause.

It could be genetic - some people are born with more aggressive cytokine activity… just like some people are born with a more aggressive personality.

It could be age-related… the older we get, the more battles our immune system has had to fight, and the more stressed it becomes over the years.

It could be related to a condition like asthma, diabetes or obesity… all of these increase immune stress, and cytokine activity in the body.

It could even be environmental… we’re exposed to a lot of unnatural chemicals in our food, air and water.

In just a moment, I’ll reveal several foods which can trigger a cytokine attack, because this one is becoming more of an issue for people these days.

Most often, though, immune stress is caused by a combination of all of the above.

Since there are so many variables, I always order two tests on my patients’ blood panels - c-reactive protein, and sedimentation rate.

These tests don’t measure cytokines directly, but they can tell us if the immune system is stressed out, and they’re the best that most LabCorp and Quest offices can do right now.

So I’d encourage all Americans to ask their doctors to order these blood tests, too.

But since it’s risky to even step into a clinic right now, I want to share my at-home immunity test.

I ask my aging patients to keep a little notebook on hand, and record the answers to these simple questions, every day.

The first question is: “on a scale of 1-10, how is your energy today?”

Recall that when cytokines are on the attack, or out of control, it drains energy from the rest of the body.

So of course, energy levels plummet down to a 2 or a 3 when we’re sick.

But if someone’s cytokines are always overactive - because of age, health conditions or otherwise - their energy levels can get stuck somewhere between 4 and 6…

...and to me, that’s a big red flag, and a sign of much worse things to come.

The next question is: “on a scale of 1-10, how clear and upbeat is my thinking?”

You see, when overactive cytokines get into the brain, they can activate glial cells - which is exactly what happens when someone gets a concussion.

That can really depress our thinking - it’s the equivalent of a bunch of traffic accidents in the brain, all happening during rush hour.

And since we don’t have any pain receptors in the brain, people often experience this as fogginess, or a depressed mood.

So if someone’s mood or mental clarity dips below 7, for more than 7 days in a row, I take it very seriously…

...especially because too much cytokine activity in the brain, has been linked to long term mental decline, dementia, and worse.

Moving on to Question 3: “on a scale of 1-10, how comfortable is my digestion?”

Frequent gas and bloating can be a sign of an inflamed digestive tract.

That’s where the gut gets weakened - and sometimes even ruptured - by overactive cytokine activity.

And that can lead to all sorts of health issues, so it’s definitely something we want to track.

Now of course, I’d expect someone to record a “2” if they ate a big plate of beans and broccoli the night before…

...but if they’re often at a five or below, that’s when I like to order stool samples to investigate further.

And question four is, “on a scale of 1-10, how comfortable are my joints?”

Cytokines often deposit in joints, where their attacks become annoying, and in some cases, immobilizing.

That’s usually what precedes arthritis, so if a patient’s joint comfort is less than 6 for too many days in a row, I want to hear about it.

Finally, I ask my patients to tally up their points every day.

Because look - we might have a few nights of bad sleep, and feel tired and foggy for a few days…

...that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

But if a person’s combined score is 20 or lower, for more than 7 days in a row, that could mean their cytokines are out of control…

...and that’s when I want to hear from them.

Now I moved pretty quickly there, so at the end of this video, I’ll show you how to download a template of this test for yourself.

But there’s also a fifth question that I introduced to patients in early March:

“On a scale of 1-100, what is my blood oxygen level?”

A strange question for sure, but this one could be a life saver right now.

According to Dr. Richard Levitan, who works in a New York City Emergency Room,

“A vast majority of … patients I met had remarkably low oxygen saturations at triage — seemingly incompatible with life — but they were using their cellphones as we put them on monitors.”

You see, many people who end up in the ER right now have dangerously low blood oxygen levels, but they don’t even know it - we call this “silent hypoxia”.

Dr. Levitan goes on to say…

“Silent hypoxia progressing rapidly to respiratory failure explains cases of … patients dying suddenly after not feeling short of breath.”

It’s something we’ve never seen before in the emergency room, which is why it’s so important to get ahead of it with this daily, at-home test.

It is possible to treat it if we catch it early, and anyone at sea level should be looking for blood oxygen of 94% or higher.

This test requires a simple pulse oximeter, which costs about $50 on Amazon.

My team and I have also been working to source them for our patients, because they’re frequently selling out.

But in my opinion, these are more important to hunt down than that last roll of toilet paper, so if you find one, pounce on it.

I’ve also included a note about that on the checklist that I’ll tell you how to download.

Speaking of that checklist, here are just a few of my Immune Health Guidelines to stay safe and healthy right now.

Following them to the T can actually improve our immune health, and make us harder to kill.

And of course, right now, it starts with limiting our exposure.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else says: until we have a vaccine or herd immunity, social distancing is critical, and masks work.

According to a recent study from MIT, virus particles can travel up to 27 feet in the air.

So any mask is better than none, even if it’s homemade from an old sweatshirt.

In fact, the number of viral particles picked up from cloth is a mere 1% of those picked up from hard surfaces.

We think this is because natural fibers break up the droplets in which viruses get suspended.

Of course, hand washing is critical, too - but there is a possible risk here.

You see, soap can break up the fatty lipid layer that coats this invader, and allows it to survive on hands and surfaces.

So go for a good scrub - 30 seconds or more.

But I advise against using antibacterial soap.

It destroys the natural microbiome of the skin, which is a line of immune defense that we don’t need compromised right now.

When soap isn’t available, hand gel is an acceptable alternative.

But it should have at least 70% alcohol content, and we need to maintain use it for 30 seconds.

Purell is a safe choice, but it’s sold out in many places.

So I have a simple recipe for an at-home hand sanitizer, which I’ve put in my free Immune Health Guidelines download.

Diet is crucial too, and for many people, this is a big opportunity for immune health improvement.

By and large, I have my patients on an anti-inflammatory diet.

That’s because I want to limit their cytokine response to food.

Most people have heard about inflammation, but don’t know exactly what it is.

But now, you do: it’s what happens when cytokines are unleashed, and a part of the body gets “heated up” by the attack.

This is ok in small doses, but when it goes on for too long, it becomes chronic, and that’s when it causes real issues.

Far too many Americans eat foods that keep provoke a nonstop, low-grade cytokine response.

So this is one of the first things that I work on with patients.

The specifics are too long for me to share here, but I’ve created an Anti-Inflammatory Eating Handbook, and I’ll tell you how to get that for free, in just a minute.

But here are three “quick and easy” wins that can be reduced from the diet immediately, for better immune health, and more energy and clarity.

First up is palm oil.

It pops up in a lot of snack foods these days – even so called “healthy” snacks almond butters and protein bars - so be sure to read labels.

Most of this stuff goes through a process that makes it look like a foreign invader to the body, so it can create a lot of immune system stress.

A second food to look out for, is any meat or dairy that’s not grass fed.

Most big farms feed corn to their cows, which their digestive systems aren’t made for.

When these poor cows eat it, it becomes a highly inflammatory fat in their bodies.

And when we eat this meat, it can provoke a cytokine response.

So try to buy grass-fed meat whenever possible.

And a third big risk, is any food with hydrogenated fats.

Usually it shows up on a label as “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.”

It’s found in french fries, margarine, vegetable shortening, and store-bought baked goods.

Now that sounds like a lot, but in my Anti-Inflammatory Eating Handbook, you’ll see how easy it is to make substitutions.

For example, instead of French fries, try sweet potatoes, baked in coconut oil until they’re crispy.

And of course, it’s easy to swap out margarine for grass-fed butter.

The studies on hydrogenated fats are extensive, and conclusive:

They add a lot of stress to the immune system, and they put us at risk when bigger threats come along.,,

I understand that we all want comfort foods when times are tough.

And we don’t have to give them up!

So please, stick around and download my Anti-Inflammatory Eating Handbook for free.

Just a few simple and easy changes can calm the immune system, and limit the cytokine response to the food we eat.

Remember, my goal isn’t to just help people survive…

...I want them to become healthier, stronger and even harder to kill.

Immune health doesn’t stop mattering when this is all over.

It’s the foundation of good health, and a long life.

So I’m hopeful that people who adopt these habits now will carry them on for decades to come.

We’ve just scratched the surface here, but right now, I want to share something else that I discovered through my research.

It’s something that I’ve been teaching to other doctors for years, through my fellowship, and on lecture circuits…

...but everyone is finally starting to talk about it now, thanks to recent events.

In my opinion, it’s one of the most important things we can do for our immune system.

And apparently, big pharma agrees, since this is where a lot of their R&D dollars are currently being spent.

You see, while there are many cytokines in the body, two of them can be particular troublemakers.

And right now, they’re the ones causing a lot of problems.

They’re known as IL-6, and TNF-alpha.

You can think of them as the “Incredible Hulks” of the immune system.

They’re incredibly powerful, yes.

But they can also be reckless and destructive, and hard to contain once they’re unleashed.

I first discovered these two “psycho killers” while studying tumor cells, and I immediately zero’d in on them as a risk.

Now here’s where it gets interesting:

In the first clinical study of virus patients from China, TNF-alpha was found in very high concentrations.

And influenza virus studies have shown that TNF-alpha is responsible not just for the cytokine storm, but also, for its escalation.

And how about IL-6?

Well, this cytokine was also found in high concentrations in early patient samples from China.

That was no surprise to me: when this cytokine is out of control, it’s responsible for all sorts of problems - even when we’re not facing new viruses!

But it could be especially problematic if it’s running rampant in the lungs.

Two researchers showed – by reviewing 87 separate studies - that itcould be responsible for asthma and COPD.

Perhaps that’s why many pharmaceutical companies are focusing their current efforts on controlling this specific cytokine.

In fact, I’ve been booked solid with calls to share my research and insights, with folks like my research partners at Harvard.

This is all I’ve been focused on since the fateful day that my Mom appeared in the ER.

It’s what I’ve taught through my fellowship, and what I’ve lectured on, to rooms of thousands of doctors.

It’s why I was elected to the board of the American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine…

...a group that trains tens of thousands of the most forward-thinking doctors in America.

All because of the question that kept me up nights… that haunted me…

“What could I have done to improve my mother’s odds?”

And when it came to her immune system, all of my research kept leading back to the same place:

A family of plant-based compounds called Flavonoids.

Flavonoids are the defense compounds in some of nature’s healthiest plants: green tea, red cherries, turmeric, purple grapes, raw cocoa…

In plants, flavonoids serve to protect their hosts from the harsh stresses of sunlight, wind and rain.

Originally discovered in 1936, by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, it wasn’t until recently that scientists discovered what they could do for the immune system.

Countless studies have now shown that flavonoids can help us live longer, healthier, more vibrant lives., ,

And these same exhaustive studies showed that flavonoids are extremely effective at promoting healthy, balanced cytokine activity - yes, even IL-6 and TNF-alpha.

Yet as excited as I was to discover all of these benefits, further research took a discouraging turn.

You see, to get the full benefits that flavonoids bring to the immune system, and

support lifelong health and vitality…

I learned that it simply wouldn’t be possible to get flavonoids from a reasonable diet.

For one thing, modern farming practices have depleted our soil of its nutrients, so modern fruits and vegetables are significantly lower in vital nutrients like flavonoids.

By some estimates, we now need 10 servings of some plants to get the same nutrients as we’d get in just one serving from fifty years ago.

And unfortunately, the nutrient content is degraded even further during the long process of picking, storing, shipping and delivering to the supermarket.

When our ancestors wanted to eat a fresh fruit or vegetable, they would pull it out of the ground, and enjoy it then and there.

This is why I encourage my patients to buy from farmer’s markets whenever they can, but I also understand that many Americans don’t have the time or money for this.

And even if they did, most flavonoids require high, pure concentrations for their benefits to be realized.

For example, someone would have to drink 8-16 cups of green tea every day, to get the immune-supporting benefits that it’s flavonoids can offer.

And with over 6,000 different flavonoids, which ones would deliver real results?

My Institute for Healthy Aging gave me the perfect opportunity to find out.

Some patients who come to see me are very sick, and I’m the “last hope.”

Patients like Doris, who wrote…

Rosenberg has been treating me for a rare & aggressive uterine cancer for the last 3 1/2 years. I am cancer free & enjoying an active lifestyle. He is on the cutting edge of cancer treatments & has lectured his peers on his methods at Harvard University & is loved by all the patients I have met in his office. I cannot praise this remarkable physician enough.

Or this patient, who asked to remain anonymous:

He is the most knowledgeable, incredible, caring, and thorough doctor. For over 30 plus years I have been misdiagnosed with hypothyroidism. I have suffered with every symptom and at least 15 doctors with the same incorrect diagnosis. Not until I visited with Rosenberg was I able to finally receive the help and healing back to good health.

Other patients simply want to work with a physician who is at the front-lines of research, like this patient of mine…

I am a MD and he goes way beyond all others. Rosenberg is one of a kind. he is the doctor you wait 30 years for. He is far ahead of the current medical knowledge curve. he knows all the latest medical literature information. I am a MD and I tell everyone he is the smartest and best doctor I have ever known. What makes him so special is his dedication to make me better.

It’s an honor to receive these sorts of reviews, and I feel the same way about my patients.

They’re the ones who trust this “maverick” research doctor!

So over a decade ago, I began to incorporate flavonoids into many of their treatments…

...starting with one you may have heard of: curcumin.

No one was talking about it back then, but multiple studies showed that Curcumin could help maintain healthy TNF-alpha and IL-6 cytokine levels. ,,

Unfortunately, there’s a difference between test tube studies, and real world results…

And what I saw in my patients was far from breathtaking.

You see, curcumin is not easily absorbed by the body.

Much of it gets destroyed by enzymes in the gut.

And what little does make it through, often has a hard time penetrating the cells, to deliver its benefit.

Fortunately, neither my patients nor I gave up, and I eventually discovered a clinical-grade “liposomal curcumin,” developed by scientists at UCLA.

Rather than combine it with black pepper extract, like so many drugstore curcumins…

...these scientists managed to “wrap” their curcumin in a little layer of fat, so it could easily pass through the stomach and into the bloodstream.

This now-patented preparation proved itself in over 17 published double-blind, placebo-controlled human studies.

And boy, my patients sure felt it too.

For some, it was improved energy and mental clarity.

Others immediately started breathing better.

Quite a few said that their bloating disappeared.

And others still had incredible relief in their joints.

Now this was really something else.

Because these are the exact sort of things we’d expect with a healthy, balanced immune system...

And healthy, normal IL-6 and TNF-alpha activity.

As you’ll recall, those two “Incredible Hulk” cytokines can cause a lot of problems if the immune system sets them loose in our lungs, our joints, and our brain… I was extremely pleased to see real world results.

Remember - my real goal is to support optimal immune health, and make my patients “hard to kill.”

So when clinical trials, blood tests, and subjective results all line up, that’s a really big deal.

The same way that low energy, fogginess, bloating and achiness are warning signs of a stressed out immune system…

...we have high confidence that we’re supporting optimal immune health when energy levels rise… when clarity returns… when digestion is comfortable… and when it’s easy to move the joints.

Spurred on by this exciting finding, my hunt for other flavonoids accelerated to a feverish pace.

And after months of in-depth analysis, testing with patients, and self-administration...

I’m happy to report that this liposomal curcumin is just one of seven incredible flavonoids that can support a healthy immune system, improve our vitality, and make us “hard to kill.”

And what’s more...

I believe that when these seven flavonoids are taken together, they have a synergistic effect.

In other words, they work even better as an immune supporting team, than they do on their own… you’ll see how in a minute.

The next step became clear to me.

I began to help more patients source these 7 flavonoids, from reputable suppliers.

It wasn’t cheap, but the results were nothing short of miraculous.

Marie, a 63 year old, who was complaining of intermittent fatigue and occasional sleeplessness reported that within 5 days of starting on the formula, her energy levels shot up, her stress declined significantly, and she started sleeping soundly through the night.

Nick, an overworked and burnt-out 46 year old mutual fund manager “felt so much better” and was able to “stop dragging” at work and rediscover the joy and confidence he felt in his late 20’s.

Chantelle, a patient of mine who had gained over 15 pounds in the last 2 years, checked in with me at the 30 day mark. She told me that she was waking up full of energy every day, and that her weight had already dropped considerably, with all of the new activity in her life.

Over the next six months, as the safety of this formula proved itself, I rolled it out to more patients, and the outcome was almost always the same.

Within seven to fourteen days, patients felt as if their bodies and lives had been “restored.”

They were showing all of the improvements I’d expect when an immune system goes from stressed and aggressive, to healthy and balanced.

And best of all, their blood tests confirmed what they were feeling:

This was no mere placebo effect. They were actually getting healthier and heartier.

Many told me that for the first time in years they were able to do the things they once loved…

Gardening during the day, and then keeping up with their families through the afternoon and evening.

Bicycling, jogging, hiking and other athletic activities that they thought were behind them.

Still more reported that their moods improved dramatically, and that they were more motivated to be social and active.

That’s when I began to search for a manufacturer.

And I insisted on maintaining my standard of purity and ingredient quality.

I knew that this product would be going out into my clinic, and to partner clinics.

Real patients, with real health issues would be taking it, so nothing less than the best would do.

Now I have to tell you… finding a facility up to my standards wasn't an easy task.

Many supplement facilities either use outdated technology, or they don’t take the proper steps to ensure the purity of their products.

My team and I placed test orders at some of the biggest manufacturers in the country, and to be honest, our findings were alarming.

We performed DNA tests on the samples we received, and found upsetting differences between what we’d ordered, and what they produced.

But after three months, we connected with a CGMP-certified facility just outside of Provo, Utah.

They were experienced in phytonutrient production, and had a long track record of producing formulations free of allergens such as pollen, gluten, soy and dairy…

Free of pesticides and herbicides….

And with Non-GMO ingredients.

Impressed with their knowledge and experience, my team flew out to tour their facility, and met with their director of product formulation.

We worked to develop a customized formulation that matched - and in the case of two ingredients, exceeded - the same high standards of flavonoids that my patients were taking.

That was two years ago, and until recently, we only produced small batches of this formula, and sold it privately, through authorized clinics.

But in February 2020, everything changed.

And while my patients remained remarkably healthy, we watched as the rest of the world succumbed to the greatest health challenge we’ve seen in generations.

That’s why my team has been working around the clock to ramp up production.

So today, I’m extremely excited to get this immune health breakthrough into the hands of more Americans.

It’s called BioShield+

It’s a clinical-grade supplement that supports a healthy, balanced immune system, in the face of the most dangerous invaders.

BioShield+ combines 7 of nature's most powerful, immune defense flavonoids...

...into two small capsules that are taken with the first meal of the day.

And not only does it provide much needed support for a stressed out immune system… when we all need it most…

...but many people report that within seven to fourteen days, they feel better than they have in ages.

In nearly four decades as a practicing MD, I can honestly say I’ve never seen a formula that works like this.

So let me tell you about the seven incredible flavonoids in BioShield+, and why Americans should be taking every single one of them right now.

Of course, it all starts with Liposomal Curcumin.

If there’s one ingredient that makes a person “hard to kill,” it’s this one.

This curcumin has been clinically shown to improve energy, clarity and mood.

It’s been clinically shown to improve joint comfort, and mobility.

It’s been clinically shown to decrease triglycerides.

I believe that’s all because it’s 95 times more bioavailable than standard curcumin... it actually works to support a stressed out immune system, and regulate aggressive IL-6, and TNF-a.

This liposomal curcumin is quite a bit more expensive than the cheap alternatives you’ll find in the drugstore.

But it’s tested and proven, which is why it’s the cornerstone of this formula.

The second clinical-grade flavonoid I've included in Bioshield+, is Cocoa Extract

Cocoa was revered as a superfood by the Mayans, but even they didn’t know how powerful it is.

Out of the top thousand flavonoid-rich foods, cocoa contains the highest amount of flavonoids per milligram.

Yes, it’s been clinically demonstrated to control IL-6 and TNF-alpha.

But it can also limit production of another dangerous cytokine, called IL-1 Beta.

This is exactly what I was talking about, when I mentioned how the combination of these ingredients, creates an unbreakble immune support team.

Because while IL-6 and TNF-alpha are the most troublesome cytokines right now...

...they’re not the only ones that can cause problems for us.

Remember, this formula was designed well before 2020, and the priority was to support immune health across the board.

That’s why it’s important to manage IL-1 Beta levels, and that’s why I’ve included Cocoa Extract.

Moving on, the third powerhouse flavonoid in Bioshield+ is called Tart Cherry Extract.

This potent little compound makes a beeline for aggressive TNF-alpha, to get it under control.

Remember, TNF-alpha is responsible for many cytokine storms, which is why I love having this specialist flavonoid on the team.

And the proof is in the data.

Tart Cherry extract has been clinically shown to decrease abdominal fat, improve sleep quality, boost cardiovascular health, and enhance joint comfort.

And in a double-blind study of half-marathon runners, researchers concluded that “inflammatory markers were 47% lower in [The Tart Cherry Group] than in the [Placebo group].”

If it works that well in endurance athletes, just imagine what it can do for the rest of us!

Perhaps it’s becoming evident... just how powerful these little “natural defense” flavonoids can be?

In fact, if BioShield+ only contained these three ingredients… would already be the most effective natural formula for supporting the immune system, and a healthy cytokine response.

But my goal wasn’t to produce the best solution “out there.”

It was to produce the best solution possible.

And to do that, I included four additional flavonoids, which had both incredible clinical studies behind them, and also… which delivered incredible results for my patients.

The first is called Boswellia Seratta

In the world of Ayurvedic medicine, Boswellia Serrata is nothing new.

For thousands of years in the east, it was a go-to for improving digestion and managing belly bloat. ,

We now know that it can promote joint comfort, too, as many patients who’ve tried it will attest.

And amazingly, it also has neuroprotective benefits, and can promote a calm and upbeat mood.

You see, Boswellia has been shown to modulate two other dangerous cytokines, called IL-2, and IL-10.

Both of these cytokines were also found in high concentrations, in early virus studies coming out of China.

So the bottom line is this:

Boswellia Seratta is one of the most versatile flavonoids on earth, and it’s something that everyone should be taking today, and every day.

Along those lines, another must-take flavonoid in BioShield+ is called Quercetin.

There’s a bounty of clinical data, showing its effectiveness in regulating both TNF-alpha, and IL-6.

But what’s interesting is that quercetin can provide targeted Il-6 control in the lungs.

That’s more important than ever right now, and it’s why I consider it an essential flavonoid for staying safe, and hard to kill.

But it has some especially interesting effects when combined with the next flavonoid on our list: Resveratrol.

As could be expected, Resveretrol is highly effective at regulating both TNF-alpha, and IL-6. , , ,

So this supernutrient has shown some benefits in winter months, when colds and flus are most common.,

But it only starts there.

You see, resveratrol has also been shown to decrease the harmful effects of a high-calorie, high-fat diet, and supporting healthy blood sugar levels.

And amazingly, when combined with Quercetin, it can lead to a significant reduction in fat deposits!

Remember - fat cells are like little cytokine factories, so being “hard to kill” means taking them on, however we can.

Which leads me to the final flavonoid in BioShield+ - EGCG.

It’s a tremendously powerful extract from Green Tea.

My first reason for including it, is for how well it regulates IL-6 levels.

But it’s also one of the most potent fat-burners on the planet.

So this double-duty flavonoid got my nod in the final BioShield+ formula.

Now for just a moment, imagine the feeling of taking this doctor-formulated supplement for the first time.

Each capsule is meticulously produced, with clean, non-GMO ingredients.

The freshness is evident as soon as the safety seal is removed, as the smell of a raw spice market wafts out of the bottle.

A serving starts with two pills in the morning, with a cool glass of water.

Then, as the seven protective flavonoids go to work on the immune system, the changes come on noticably.

Some patients feel it within hours… looser and more capable, like the body is unwinding after years of being “under siege”

Others feel it over the coming fourteen days, as they begin waking up with more natural energy, because their immune health and their life are back on track.

Now here’s something interesting:

Very occasionally, patients contact my office about a month into their BioShield regimen, to tell me that they don’t feel anything.

And of course, I never want someone to spend money on something that’s not working for them, so I never push them to continue…

...despite the many documented, long term benefits of these flavonoids.

But then, like clockwork, I hear from them again a week or two later, telling me…

“I didn’t realize how much better I was feeling, until I stopped taking it and started feeling worse again.”

That’s when they sign up for monthly autoshipments.

Because for most, once they start taking BioShield+, they never want to go back to the “bad old days.”

Now is there anyone who shouldn’t take this formula?

Well, all of the ingredients in BioShield+ have been proven safe, even in high doses.

But the only people who don’t fall in love with BioShield+ are those who don’t have any immune system stress.

How does someone know if that’s them?

Well, without running bloodwork, it’s tough to say.

But my at-home immunity test is a good place to start.

If someone’s energy is already top notch… if their mental clarity is sharp as a tack…

If their digestion is smooth and regular, and if their joints feel like those of a twenty year old…

...well, they probably won’t feel BioShield+ as much as their peers.

Of course, that’s not to say that they shouldn’t be taking it - in my medical opinion, it’s the most important supplement to take right now.

And the long-term benefits are well-documented.

Taken daily, these ingredients simply make a person harder to kill.

And for most, there’s going to be an immediate feeling of vitality and energy... their stressed-out immune system gets the support that it’s been craving for years, or decades.

This incredible feeling of total rejuvenation is why patients have had no problem

paying $99.95, for a thirty-day supply.

That’s what we’ve had to charge.

These premium flavonoids are expensive to obtain, and because we’ve only produced 500 units a month, we don’t get volume discounts.

But because of our country’s immunity crisis, we massively scaled up our production, so we’ve been able to negotiate some big price reductions from our suppliers.

So while we’ve settled on a retail price of $69.95 per bottle, we’re reducing the price even further while our country deals with this immunity crisis.

Today, we’re making BioShield+ available for only $49.95...

...or even less, with three-bottle or six-bottle packages.

That’s an instant savings of at least $20.

Unfortunately, for now, we can only allow purchases of up to six bottles per customer.

I’m sure you understand why.

So if our three-unit, or six-unit options are available, then I highly encourage grabbing one.

Every package will include several free downloads:

My full set of Immune Health Guidelines…

My Anti-Inflammatory Eating Handbook…

And my At-Home Immune Test template.

And for as long as we can, we’re also including a free pulse oximeter with the six-unit option.

I wish we could include it in every package, but we have a very limited supply of these.

And as you’ll see on Amazon, they are not cheap right now.

Since we took this product live on our website several weeks ago, demand has absolutely skyrocketed.

We sold through our first 5000 units in just days, and had to take the shopping cart down, while we waited for our manufacturer to send the next shipment.

As I record this, 15,000 new units are being delivered to our clean warehouse, and we have another 15,000 on order.

We expect to have frequent stock-outs, so it’s “all hands on deck” with our manufacturing partner.

But one thing is for sure - we will sell out, and we will go on backorder.

So certain packages may be greyed out on the next page if that happens.

Also - at some point, we will have to raise the price again.

I know that some people will claim that we’re being “opportunistic,” but that’s simply not true.

In fact, anyone who buys BioShield+ today at this reduced price, will lock in their price for life.

And at these prices, we are barely breaking even.

We’re simply doing what we can to get BioShield+ into the hands of any American who could use it…

…and we’re doing it urgently, even if we’re just covering our costs.

We’re not taking any money from the government right now, because we know that other small, local businesses need it more than we do.

And we’re donating a percent revenues to a wonderful nonprofit called A Million Masks.

They provide N95 respirators to front-lines healthcare workers.

So please know that with every bottle of BioShield+ that we sell, one of our country’s heroes is getting the protection that they need to do their best work.

And you’re getting the immune support that you need, for health and vitality.

The standard dose is only two capsules per day, taken with the first meal.

They’re small, vegetarian capsules, and they go down easily with a glass of water.

They’re free of any allergens: no dairy, no soy, no gluten, no shellfish.

And for even greater immune support, it’s safe to take up to six BioShield+ capsules a day.

Many of our current customers are doing that right now, which is another great reason to stock up.

So click over to the next page now, to choose the right package.

Whether it’s one bottle, three bottles, or six, every package comes with our one-year, unconditional guarantee.

If you decide for any reason that BioShield+ isn’t right for you, you’re welcome to call us, or email us, and ask for a full refund.

Yes, even if you take every single pill.

All you need to do is send back the empty bottles, and we’ll refund you entire order.

It’s quick and easy to talk to one of our Customer Happiness agents - no complicated phone menus, and no hassle.

They’re a wonderful group of people - mostly stay-at-home Moms and Dads right here in America.

And their only job is to make sure that customers are happy.

We take security, and privacy, more seriously than most Fortune 500 companies seem to.

Our secure checkout system uses military-grade encryption, so you can order with confidence.

And your full credit card number is stored encrypted… so no human eyes can ever see it - not even our Customer Happiness agents.

We want to earn your trust, and be your partner in good health.

On the next page, where you choose which package you want, you’ll see many of our testimonials as well.

Not only that, but we offer some additional bonuses for customers who choose the 3-bottle, or 6-bottle options.

That’s because we like to have a direct relationship with our customers, so we can provide five-star support, whenever they need it.

So click on over to the next page, and choose a package before we’ve sold out.

That’s where we have reviews… well as an FAQs that we’ve prepared.

It’s my sincere belief that every American should be taking BioShield+, today, and every day.

And it’s possible to get it for as little as $1.10 a day right now.

So my team and I are doing everything we can to get it produced, and into the hands of those who could use it most.

Most packages ship from our warehouse just hours after we receive the order.

So you could be taking your first serving of BioShield+ in just a few short days.

My hope is that people emerge from this awful episode not just safe, but feeling better than they have in years.

Now just for a moment, let’s consider a life without BioShield+.

We’ve already talked about what happens when the immune system is stressed out, and when cytokines get out of control.

It’s an immediate risk, yes...

...but it can also lead to serious problems down the road.

Immune system problems are usually hidden and misdiagnosed as low energy, or brain fog…

...until one day, when the problem becomes so obvious that even an average doctor recognizes it for what it is.

But by then, it’s often too late to reverse the damage.

That’s why I created BioShield+, and why many patients made it a daily habit, even before immunity became a “thing” in 2020.

Just two little capsules a day can improve health and vitality, in so many ways.

So go ahead and click on the button below, to choose your package before we sell out.

We’re doing everything we can to keep the supplies flowing, and to make sure that BioShield+ remains available.

It could be in your hands – and supporting your immune system - in just a few short days from now.

And remember, supplies are tight, and this pricing will not last.

So try a bottle of BioShield+ today, save at least $20, and know that the order is protected by our one-year guarantee.

This is how to improve energy, clarity and vitality.

This is how to support optimal immune health.

This is how to become hard to kill.

And I’m confident that anyone who takes it is going to love how they feel.

It’s been my pleasure being here with you today, and look forward to serving you further, however I can.

Click the Next Step button now, and let’s get started.

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